Job Application

- Address
- age
- apply
- area code
- birthday
- certification
- children
- citizenship
- city
- college
- country
- criminal record
- date
- date of birth
- dependents
- diploma
- divorced
- education
- educational background
- elementary school
- employee
- employer
- experience
- family name
- felony record
- female
- fired
- first name
- gender
- graduate school
- handicap
- hearing
- height
- high school
- husband's name
- junior college
- junior high school
- last name
- male
- marital status
- married
- middle name
- name
- next of kin
- notify
- occupation
- phone number
- physical examination
- position
- present address
- previous experience
- quit
- reason for leaving
- relatives
- salary
- separated
- single
- skills
- social security number
- state
- street
- telephone number
- vision
- weight
- wife's name
- zip code

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